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Future Foods, Inc.


CardioBar™ accomplishes its goals of being both "heart healthy", convenient, and delicious by using the very best ingredients in a formula designed to be a source of nutritionally active plant based functional food components. New! CardioCookie coming soon.

Raw Materials

Future Foods® , Inc. is a leader in designing, manufacturing, and providing cutting edge raw materials and a branded line of products with these ingredients along with synergistic items. We specialize in material for the various delivery systems you require.

The Portfolio Diet

Is a proven alternative food regime that evidence has shown can help lower cholesterol as well as prescription statin drugs and with no side effects, thus lowering your risk of heart disease. The Portfolio Diet is about what you can add to your menu!

About Future Foods

Future Foods® , Inc. (FFI) was created 43 years ago, in 1981, to address the need for pioneering new products based on current research and available raw materials to produce effective supplements and food sources.
Future Foods are in fact often ancient foods, often presented in new forms. Cranberries, for example, are excellent for a variety of anti-bacterial applications. Future Foods launched the first pill that contained the equivalent activity of a whole bottle of cranberry juice, without the added sugar. Ancient food became a future food in a new format.
Future Foods : ABCs of natural immune, digestive, and mental wellbeing. 
We started the human use of bovine colostrum with hyper immune egg antibodies over 40 years ago.
Future Foods made the first functional food bar based on a JAMA published article, and proved its efficacy in a university medical school study showing the majority of participants weather cholesterol as good as statin drugs and with no serious side effects. 
We pioneered the first nutritional gummies well before 1985.  Additionally we were the pioneers that brought Alpha GPC, the most researched Nootropic to the US from Europe where it was used as a prescription item for memory deficiency leading to Alzheimer’s. 
Not being limited to the nutritional field, we invested  with the seed capital for largest stem cell manufacturing company. That technology succeeded in producing the most viable stem cells available, used as a standard in medical studies. The award winning Stanford medical study on spinal cord injuries used the cells we produced. Plus we have been approved for the FDA Stroke Study leading to approval for the cells in post stroke treatment as well as ARDS in a second trial. 
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Years In Business